Write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought for are commonly the most valuable. -- SIR FRANCIS BACON

Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it. -- C.S. LEWIS

Monday, December 17, 2007

Number 4


We all have one, even if we do not realize what it is. Worldview is defined as "The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world." And "A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual." It is derived from the German word Weltanschauung.

Simply stated, a worldview is one's set of eyeglasses for viewing the world. I have poor vision. When I put on my glasses, all the data that I perceive through my prescriptive lenses is altered, albeit it clearer. Note, the information itself is not altered. Rather, it is the way I perceive the information that is altered.

As is true with one's worldview, I often forget that I am wearing glasses. It is not until I stop and look around that recognize that I am wearing glasses--either I actually see the frames or I see my glasses in a mirror. Hence, it is crucial that we take the time to consciously evaluate our basic assumptions about life, as these basic assumptions greatly influence the way we think and react in life.

For example, take the basic assumption of where mankind finds its origin. The two prominent views are that of Darwinian Evolution or a Creator. Your answers to many questions will stem in part from which of these two basic assumptions you have adopted (whether consciously or sub-consciously) as true. Many who take a pro-abortion stance also hold a Darwinian explanation for the existence of man (although admittedly not all do). My point, though, is that how we resolve a particular issue is largely governed by our basic assumptions about life--one's worldview.

This is why it is so important that we constantly seek to analyze what we hold as true, in order to insure that it in fact is true.

Soli Deo Gloria

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